Yesterday, my mom came home! Praise God! And I guess I will call it like it is, she paroled home. She spent 4 days in an institution where she was placed on many restrictions, confined to her room, and receiving 3 hots and a cot. So, she was paroled. The time home was spent resting, watching Coming to America, and spending some time with my bro. It was a great day!
Today, the first morning home is being spent with my mom in her room snoozing, GG (my teenager) in her chair snoozing, and me in my room watching Girlfriends. Before this snooze-fest, though, I was graced with the greatest gift a caretaker could ask for. GG went to the Christmas container and pulled out a dog on bell for my mom. This bell will be used to summon THE HELP! Well, you know who that help is? ME! #AreWeForRealDoingThis? #GuessWeAre #Ring…Ring
It looks like this afternoon will be spent the same as this morning. Folks were fed, took a potty break, found a good show, and are snuggled up in their respective chairs. What I realize after all of this…I have not one, but TWO teenagers!
Oh, what will the GG Chronicles bring tomorrow…