January 15, 2021 – Heartbreaking!

Today, I overheard the second grade class discussing Martin Luther King, Jr. Fitting, since today is his actual birthday. In the midst of the “how he died” discussion, I hear a child ask the teacher, “did he get shot by the police?”




We still live in a world where racism exists. Never mind the fact that there are way more multi-cultural families now than there were in the 60s and 70s. You’d think we would have grown as a people and would be showing our young generation so much better…but here we are! A second grader…wondering if what happens so often in this country happened to MLK. #ImHurt

Dear World,
Our kids are watching! They are drawing conclusions based on what they see us adults do. Please remember that as you navigate life. A life full of people of all ancestral backgrounds. People who all bleed the same. Let’s do better so our kids can be better! #WeHaveALotOfWorkToDo

I pray we get it together! We have got to be the change we want to see! I can vow to do my part. I pray you all do yours!