December 7, 2023 ~ Day Three

It has been rough, to say the least!

I am a doer! It takes something like this to get me to sit down, and so this is all new to me. The family is stepping up, bringing me whatever I need, and continuing their lives on the other side of my door. #Sad #ButTheyAreEquipped #IHelpedDoThat

Thing 2 is missing her mommy, though. She left me a note at my door that told me how much she misses and loves me. She told me she cannot wait for me to get better. #MyStrongWilledZeroFoxGivenKidStoppedForAMomentToMakeMyDay

To ensure the family was still healthy, they have been testing every couple of days. Tonight was another test night. I did not expect them to pop positive, but I did realize it was possible. Just…didn’t…see…it…coming…TONIGHT!

Soooooooo…Thing 2 POPPED POSITIVE! #AfterAllOfOurSafetyMeasures

When I tell you I was heartbroken, I was HEARTBROKEN! Then, Thing 2 busted open my door, went to her room to get her stuff, then ran back and slid by the door (Tom Cruise, Risky Business style) and said, Yessssssssssss! I missed you! I missed my baby, AND had no intention on seeing her in quarantine. I had to ask, though…What? Did you lick the door?

I saw she had her pillows, blankets, and a thousand squishmallows. I asked her, did you bring some clothes? Drawz? Your toothbrush? She said, Oh! #MyPoorChild

Thing 2 got settled in. The hubby and I have geriatric beds, so she took my side of the bed, grabbed my remote, and adjusted the back of the bed so that she can sit upright and watch some TV with me. She was happy to be reunited with me AND to be able to stay home from school. This was her first time having COVID too, so while I was happy to have company, I was a little uneasy to see how rough it would be for her. But in that adjustable bed moment, my heart was full!