December 4, 2023 ~ Day Zero

After coming home from the Usher high, I was exceptionally tired. It was so great to see my babies, as always, and it felt good to have my mom be able to watch them again since she missed out on so much in the thick of COVID. I was still cautious, though. I tested when I got home, and I stayed masked until my mom left yesterday afternoon. And it was right before she left that I started to feel off.

I woke up today feeling congested, off, and with my biggest fear. I immediately took a test, and unsurprisingly, it was POSITIVE! I removed myself from the primary bedroom and fell out on the guest bed. Then, more fear! I was just around my mom and was willing to bet she was within 6 feet of me. All I could do was cry, and make the call to her I feared all throughout the pandemic. #ForeverHerProtector

Immediately, my mom knew. I told her I tested positive and that I was less concerned about being ok and more concerned that she was around me long enough to get it too. She will forever be immunocompromised now (same with my dad since he is diabetic), and her and my dad have managed to steer clear of COVID. Now, I could have brought something detrimental to their health into their home. My mom, being the mom that she is, kept telling me that she was going to be ok. She said that God has her (why she gotta go there…I know), and all I have to do is focus on getting better. Then, she went deeper into mom mode and asked what she could do to help. #MyMomIsAWarrior #SheIsFearlessWhenItComesToHerKids

After I collected myself, it was now time to activate THE PLAN! Oh, y’all know I am not new to this, but true to this. I will get out a good cry, but after that I tend to have the suck it up buttercup mentality. Having traveled twice, I planned for this outcome and how we would mobilize the family if one or both of us came down with COVID. The only shocker, the hubby told me to say in the primary bedroom. Wait…what? He was sent to the basement during his COVID bout, surely it is only fair that I do the same. Then it tracked…he said, well, I work down there and it just makes sense for me to pack up some clothes and let you have the room. Sweet, right? Sure, but he also games down there, sooooooooo…

Anywho, I’m in quarantine! For the first time since COVID made its first appearance, I tested positive.

THIS…is happening!