December 14, 2023 ~ Day Ten

Today was a good day!

I was able to test out of the joint today! Thing 2 is still in the joint, though. She is trailing behind me by about 3 days, so her time is coming soon…I hope! And I am really operating in good behavior mode. I will still go to sleep in the joint, up until Thing 2 tests negative.

I worked out of my office today. I felt like that was a privilege I took advantage of up until this point. It felt good to sit upright, have calls where my camera is actually ON, wear my Chicago Bulls Christmas sweater, and get some joy out of seeing the Christmas decorations I love so much! I even have a setup behind my desk so that I can bring the Christmas spirit to every call. #BringingJoyMakesMeHappy #ItsTheLittleThings

An added bonus, I got to participate in the Superintendent Insights Group session. It’s an opportunity to have a voice for what will best serve my kiddos in the school district. It is also a chance to have a positive impact on change, which is all I ever want to do in this life. So, being able to be truly present for this meeting refilled my cup! #TryingToFulfillMyPurpose

When I got back to my quarantine room, in true Thing 2 fashion, I noticed she too left quarantine. Because I was working downstairs, she had no constant supervision to make sure she stayed put. So, she went back and forth to her room and brought more stuffed animals, a drawer full of markers, coloring books, and slime…all to add to rest of her stay. #MyPoorChild #TheFloorIsCovered #SheDoesNotCare #SheHasMovedIn #PleaseTellMeSheDidNotLickHerSistersDoor

Welp, it has been a full day! Time to shut my eyes and pray I don’t step on anything going to the bathroom! #NightNight