As much as I didn’t want to set foot back in the hospital, it was too risky not too. My mom’s pressure bottomed out last night. It was the lowest I have ever seen! We tried everything we could to get it to go back up, but nothing helped. We prayed that by this morning it would have normalized, but that did not happen. To the ER we go!
I was not particularly thrilled to be in an ER during COVID times. And as if that wasn’t enough, it was not the best experience. She was triaged quickly, but we had to sit in the waiting room for over an hour waiting on a bed. Did I mention GG decided to come too!?!? There I was, trying to keep two elder generations of woman safe from whatever walked through the ER doors. #IDidTheBestICould
To add to my already wonderful day, my mom was called back at the same time as another patient. Who does that? Then, we are told to wait off to the side while they take the other patient back for bloodwork first. Wait…let me get this straight, you call both of us back here, but we have to pull over in a wheelchair on the side of the hallway while you take blood? Then…THEN…the nurse tries to start an IV on my mom when I think he was not supposed to. He failed, but still…shouldn’t have even tried. At this point, I am regretting my decision to come to the ER.
More unpleasant things happened during the trip, and TRUST, the hospital was notified! But the end result was, nothing major was wrong. Post surgery, pressure will need to re-stabilize and her current medications for blood pressure will need to be halted until it does. #PraiseGod
We went home and my mom felt much better by the time she ate and returned to the comfort of GG’s house!
Now…time to quarantine! #IAintGotTime