May 30, 2023 ~ Motivational Tuesday ~ Create the Life of Your Dreams

Since yesterday was a holiday and a day off, I took the time to refill my cup. I hope you got a chance to do the same. For today, instead of a Motivational Monday, I just changed it to Motivational Tuesday. I had a message for today, so why not? Here is what I sent my team today. Enjoy!

Good Morning, Cookies!

Happy Tuesday!

I hope you both had a wonderful holiday weekend!

I have to start today’s motivation with a story…

Thing 2 kept stealing my calligraphy pens.  Of course, I cannot have anything to myself!  Since I could tell this was going to continue to be a thing, I decided to make her a deal…I would buy her, her own set of pens IF she earned them.  And in true Thing 2 fashion, she did just that!

So, off we went to Michael’s one day.  I didn’t even make it two yards in, and they had an aisle of office decor.  At that moment…what calligraphy pens?  I scanned the entire aisle, inspired by the wall art and desk accessories.  Then, I saw some wall art that I knew was coming home with me…

YASSSSS!  It took me a lonnnnnng time to realize how much what I choose to do today has a direct impact on what I am able to do tomorrow.  It’s a balancing act, though, right?  You live like today is your last, and at the same time you have to plan for the future.   #SayWhatNow  It takes time to master, but when you find that balance, you realize you CAN do both!

So, today and every day, I charge you with living each day to the fullest, while putting plans in place that set you up for the future you want…the one you dream of.  The wall art above, as I am sure you both have seen, sits behind my desk.  Every time I am on a call, I am reminded of my future big picture…my dream.  Let it remind you too!

Oh…and Thing 2 did walk away with those pens.  There was NO WAY we were going into that store, and not leaving with them.  After all, she earned it!

Have a wonderful short week!

–Thin Mint

May 22, 2023 ~ Motivational Monday ~ Never Stop Moving Forward

I missed posting a Motivational Monday last week because Thing 2 was sick. I took a Ferris Bueller day to be with her. So grateful I did that because then Thing 1’s school called because she wasn’t feeling well. #OfCourse #NowIt’sAParty #FerrisBuellerDayForTheWin #LoveEm&HealEm

It has been an interesting week, but through it all, the kids never stopped. Things 1 and 2 were still eating up all the food, Thing 2 still tried to get out of taking her meds, and Thing 1 is acting like it never happened. #They’veMovedOn How appropriate for today’s message to my team…

Good Morning, Cookies!

Happy Monday!

As I reflect on the end of the school year…Yes, I reflect too! I may not be in school, but some days I sure feel like I am!…I am reminded of just how quickly time passes. I blinked, and I have two kiddos heading into their last years at their respective schools. Sniff Sniff!

It has been quite the journey. Both kids are learning how to manage and communicate their emotions. Some days, this causes me to fantasize about a one bedroom condo in a gated community. #SoSerious Days like today, though, I am reminded of how life works. There are events that will happen in our lives that seem unsurmountable. And in these moments, we may want to pick flight in our fight or flight response. It’s ok. We’re human!

I encourage you to fight!

Stay in it! There is a reason for all things, even if we cannot see it yet. The future is OURS, and we will never get to appreciate the journey if we give up now.

Be inspired! Not knowing what it’s all for can be just the right recipe to keep moving forward. Draw from the excitement of the unknown, and let that fuel you to never stop!

You aren’t finished! There was a video on AFV of a little girl (maybe 6) running a race for track. When she reached the finish line (and won the race), she kept going. The video ended before I could see when she finally stopped, but the point is, she kept running. Keep running…the race ain’t over and you aren’t finished!


Have a fabulous future!

–Thin Mint

May 8, 2023 ~ Motivational Monday ~ Find “The Light”

I am always quick to save little nuggets of inspiration as I come across them. Today is no exception. I came across this picture on Facebook and it was the inspiration for today’s post to my team…


Good Morning, Cookies!

Happy Monday

Today’s Motivational Monday is about the light!

A good friend of mine taught me to always find the sunshine. That is super easy to do when the sun is shining bright, and there is no question about its presence. It gets a little harder on day’s like today, when it’s rainy and dark.

Days like today…along with the attached motivational pic…cause me to reflect on what I am doing with the light when it’s here, AND how I am finding the light when it’s not easy to see.

I charge myself, AND YOU, with the following:

  • Take the sunshine as a sign of clarity, and let it motivate you to choose only to engage in those things that spark joy, and give you a sense of peace.
  • While the light is shining bright, go out there in it, be grateful for it, and take advantage of it while it’s here.
  • When we can’t see the light…keep looking! If you still can’t see it, BE IT! Sometimes we have to light our own path, and who knows, maybe we are even lighting someone else’s.
  • And even on the darkest days, trust that the light is coming back! It always does!

Journey wisely…find the light!

Have a wonderful day!

–Thin Mint

May 1, 2023 ~ Motivational Monday ~ Life be Lifin’

In readying myself for this week’s post, I had this well-known quote on my mind. I wanted to find something else to post about, but I kept coming back to good ‘ole Forrest Gump. So, I ran with it…

“My momma always said, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” –Forrest Gump

Gotta love some Forrest Gump!

If you dig deeper into this quote it speaks volumes! Life is sooooo unpredictable!

If we just look at our current projects, each of them had a moment or two (or three!) where things changed, and we needed to pivot…either to accept additional scope or mitigate an issue that was impeding progress. It caused us to have to see the project differently, because yesterday it looked one way, and today it’s not the same. That is a lesson in itself because it speaks to how even we as humans are forever changed by the smallest of things, and as we keep lifin,’ we grow and evolve because of life’s lessons. That, though, is a post for another day!

What does Forrest’s quote mean to me?

It means we have to do our best to stay ready, so we don’t have to get ready. We aren’t going to be ready for them all, but we can do our best to prepare ourselves today for what is yet to come. We can train our minds to be receptive to change, be open to what that change might look like, and be ready to pivot when necessary. And we do that because…you never know what you’re gonna get.

Have an AMAZING week!

–Thin Mint