Ok, I realize it has been a while since I last blogged. Frankly, I have not made the time. It isn’t that I didn’t want to, but I was busy working, living life, and enjoying the kids.
Well…I was enjoying the kids…
Sometimes the Lord just orders your steps. Tonight was one of those times. See, I was getting Thing 2 set for bed. She needs guidance because there are a million squirrels she will see on the way to said bed. As part of the routine, she has to go potty before bed. I get it…she’s probably old enough to make it to the bathroom in the middle of the night, but I have cleaned too many a sheet in my day to find out!
Anywho, I went to check on her while in the bathroom. Again, I don’t know why, other than the Lord told me to open the door. Lo and behold, I was in for the shock of my life!!!
Thing 2 was peeing in a cup! YES…PEEING IN A CUP! I know…you got questions! But guess what…SO DID I!!!!!! I had just given her yellow Bath & Body Works soap too. I had to sniff it to make sure hadn’t done the unthinkable. #BuyWHYYYYYYY???
I thought the shenanigans had taken a sabbatical for the summer, but CLEARLY they had not! Y’all know what she said when I asked her why, so I won’t even go there. I was so distraught. I don’t DO bodily functions…not even a little bit!
Thing 2 and I had a nice conversation about why this will NEVER happen again. Then, the Father of Thing 2 had another one. She lost her privileges to the good life, and I’m pretty sure she will never look at her bodily functions the same again. #SheBetterLearnToday
After this mess, Mamma needs a drink!
#FillErUp … Or not… #Ewwwww