Today was going well until I peed in my child’s corn flakes. She was so excited to ask me if she could have a play date with her friends from school. She knows where we stand with home visits, but she thought today’s answer would be different for some reason. We are still keeping our family unit close and any activities with friends are outside. She was deflated when she left my office. #PoorGirl #OneDayBaby #COVIDStillSucks
On a happier note, she ran off to blast her music in her room. It took me a sec, but then I caught myself singing…
You make me wanna leave the one I’m with start a new relationship with you, this is what you do…
I had to Slack the hubby just to be sure I heard that song from the right room. He said, “it’s not me!”
Well, well, well! If I did nothing else right today, I raised a good one! That’s a classic! Go be mad, Boo! And play There Goes My Baby next!
At the start of summer, I gave the girls 2 weeks to veg out on gaming. After the stress of last year and most of this year at home, I knew they would need a minute to just be and do whatever they wanted. Come week 3, though, it was time to get down to business.
One thing I had to fix, is the amount of time these kids spend at a device. So, they have tasks to complete before they can touch their devices. One of those tasks is completing a math assignment page and writing prompt. This is really beneficial for Thing 1 since she is in Gifted Education. She needs to be well equipped for Honors Math. Junior High in general, is no picnic. It will be challenging and I want her to be prepared. Sydney will benefit most from the writing. She DESPISES writing. It shows in her penmanship. I want to make sure she is prepared and doesn’t get assignments returned to her because her teacher could not read it. I also want her to slow down long enough to care about upper vs lower case letters.
So, today’s writing prompt was, If I could get a dog… This is what Thing 2 wrote…
I don’t know what I am going to do with this kid! I was speechless! How can you challenge her creativity here? I couldn’t even comment on the capital letters. This girl gets a pass today!
I am a firm believer that God is right on time! He knows you, His child, and He knows what you need exactly when you need it!
Sooooooooo…I have been slowly getting my house in order. I feel like I have been doing this for months, but this time, I was finally closing in on a cleaner home. And by clean, I mean, my definition of clean. I must say that because my hubby is quick to remind me that the house is clean as is. My OCD does NOT agree! #NotJustClean #CleanClean #SqueakyClean
With that level of clean comes stress. It is a huge undertaking! In addition, my mom hasn’t been feeling great these last few days. I was stressed on top of stress. As the night winded down, the hubby and I were getting the kiddos settled in bed. Somehow, the conversation moved to this…
Oh boy oh boy! You guessed it! Those are Thing 2’s CHEEKS! #VaselinedButtCheeks I lost it! Thing 1 mentioned her sister put a cheek on her wall about a week ago and it did not click. It wasn’t until seeing the cheeks that I realized the severity of the situation. This girl thought it would be hilarious to leave her sister with something to remember her by. In true Thing 2 fashion, nonetheless!
I laughed so much it hurt! Lord, you know exactly what I need when I need it. The gut busting laugh was much needed. This brought life to my soul! And when that wasn’t enough, you threw in more cheeks…
I tell you what, it is going to take some paint and elbow grease to get the Vaseline cheeks off the walls, but it took no time at all to lift my spirits up! I can’t even be mad with Thing 2. She is doing what she does best…bringing her authentic self to this world…along with bringing the life to the party!
Today was busier than it was supposed to be. Late last night, I had the amazing idea to paint the basement ceiling for the hubby as a Father’s Day gift. The kids and I already got him some goodies, but this would be a little extra on top of that. In my head planning, I factored in what all I would need to get from Home Depot…a coverall, an aspirator, and a commercial paint sprayer rental.
In the meantime, we did the usual…breakfast in bed and gifts.
After the usual, I went on over to the Depot to pick up my items. When I got home, things were slow going. I still had to tape up and wait for the hubby to get the paint sprayer out of the car and into the basement. #ThatJokerWasHEAVY
As I journeyed to the basement, the hubby said, call me if you need anything. Now, why would I do that? I have it all mapped out in my head what I need to do and how this will go. Trusting my ambitious head…big mistake!
For starters, taping up is a job within itself. One in which I wish I did last night while I was busy mapping this madness out in my head. Yeah, this is madness now. No longer a cute Father’s Day gift. I taped up the section I wanted to start tackling and went to fire up the sprayer. #HELP The first call to the hubby, after vowing not to, was made. He got the sprayer going and primed, then it cut out. After trial and error, he realized the sprayer was pulling so much juice it was tripping the fuse. #SugarHoney
Eventually, the sprayer was working consistently. First thing I noticed, though, was the smell of acrylic dryfall paint is HORRIFIC! I can smell the paint through the aspirator. The basement has windows, but they don’t circulate a lot of air. I had to take several breaks just to not die!
As I painted, though, I struggled to find the right spray setting. #HELPNumber2 The hubby came down and got the mode right. Everything was good until my goggles started fogging up (later I learned that was paint dust) and I started hearing and feeling dripping. While the mode was set to mist, it was still coming out too heavy and dripping after a few coats. #SugarHoneyIced A little backstory here, the guy at the Depot asked me what type of paint I was spraying. He searched high and low and found the tip that I needed. Sooooo…I should have been good! #ShouldHaveAreTheKeyWordsThere
If all of the drips on the floor weren’t bad enough, I got drips on my hair. My newly done hair that was supposed to be covered by the coverall‘s hood. #NOPE Why I didn’t think to wear a bandana too is beyond me!
The journey to paint the ceiling went on for hours. With the need to take multiple breaks, it was nighttime before getting to the last leg of painting…and I was spent. The hubby had been offering to help all day and I kept declining. #StubbornAndStupid I finally let him help and it was too dark to do much. The electricity was shut off to safely paint, so we ended up bringing my living room lamp down and getting light from the other side of the basement where power could be safely on. Wait…did I mention that at this point only a 3rd of the basement was mostly covered? Yeah, almost 10 gallons in and I did not make it all over the basement! #WTF
As the hubby painted what he could with the rest of the paint, I was super disappointed in what was completed in real life versus what all I had accomplished in my head. #LessonLearned
Here are a few pics of the journey…
Oh, and I asked the hubby plain before he got it in him to paint the walls…Are you SUUUURE you want to paint the walls before the ceiling?
Welp, the painters we hired to fix it have their work cut out for them!
I couldn’t type this out last night. I was too beside myself to formulate words. Let me start with a little supporting information…
I have a very sensitive nose…to the point where…I can smell your thoughts! I have been this way all my life, but it got even more heightened when I got pregnant. There were things I loved that had to go because it was no longer working for my nose. The hubby’s deodorant, cologne, McD’s french fries…these were all on the chopping block. I have never been the same since.
Fast forward to yesterday. I set out to clean my house. I have been working so much that I have given the rest of what I had left to my family. This house was falling by the wayside and I was going to attempt to bring it back to life. As much as I knew it was going to be a challenge, I ventured into Thing 2’s room. I knew she took after her father and just places items under her bed or in her closet to avoid putting them away. So, I set out to fix that. I started over by her window-wall next to her bed. I figured I’d work corner to corner. I stooped down and caught a whiff of one of the two most despised smells of any parent…PEE! #WaitWHAT???
I have been yelling this child’s name all day. She also gets into her fair share of trouble. She knew, by the way I yelled her name, she done did it AGAIN! I asked her, why do I smell pee over here? Now, pause for a moment. The answer I expected was the infamous, I don’t know! I even thought she may direct me to some old drawz she hid from a day she didn’t quite make it. #NOPE! What I got…what I heard…was far worse.
In her lowest voice possible (because she operates at 150 all day)…I peed over there. Wait…WHATTTTT?????!!!!!! #MindBlown I had so many questions. Then, those questions turned into my child losing all privileges…ALL OF THEM (make sure you clap once between each of those last 3 words so you get the full effect)! Of course, at this point, she starts to cry. Now, I am a softy for crying because I hate to see my children’s spirits broken, but this warranted a stand firm and let it happen. I left the room and told her she can take the time she needed to think about what she did and collect herself. I think had I not called her out of her room sometime later she would have stayed in there.
So, why did she do it, you ask. She said the bathrooms upstairs were occupied before her shower. Now, why she didn’t go downstairs instead is beyond me. She also said she had taken her clothes off already since it was shower time. She decided the corner of her room was the next best thing. #ThisWillNeverMakeSense #MakeItMakeSense #Please This story can only be confirmed when I do laundry. Because when I make it through those hampers, if I find pee fueled clothes, I am going H.A.M. again. That means she lied and I cannot trust the story, which, if I am being honest with myself, I don’t trust it anyway. You know the corner of your room is NOT where we deposit pee. The more likely explanation, she was playing and didn’t want to stop and the stream started and she could not stop it. This was her typical pattern in all previous accidents.
For now, nothing I can do, but blog here and pray. The only solace I have is knowing that I will share this story with her future husband! He needs to know these kid shenanigans only turn into adult ones! #FutureNotKawandraProblems
I don’t know what I am going to do about Thing 2! She keeps finding new and creative ways to let me know the shenanigans will never stop.
I keep a jar of Vaseline on the side of my bed. I do this, because it is inevitable that my hands (or any other body part) will get dry and require some attention. It is a nightly ritual that my mom used to do as well.
Imagine my surprise when I open my jar of Vaseline and see…
What is that, you ask? IT’S AN ERASER!!!!!
I was wierded out at first because I didn’t know what it was at first. I fished it out and threw it away. I didn’t even ask Thing 2 about it. All I could do was laugh and say, “THIS KID!”
Never a dull moment. What’s next, Thing 2? What’s next?