What in all tarnation?
I knew this day would come, so I started preparing for it 3 years ago. I sat my little-big girl down and started sharing little nuggets of information about the adventures of being a young lady. She laid beside me as we read our book, Celebrate Your Body (And Its Changes, Too!) The Ultimate Puberty Book for Girls by Sonya Renee Taylor.
All of this happened before the attitudes really got started. She was my innocent little lady who was soaking up all that this “big girl” book was offering. She asked questions and was so eager to learn. And things that I freaked out about, she just received it so “matter-of-factly.” #BigGirlStatus
Fast forward to today. I was on back to back calls. Stress levels were HIGH! I got off a call, took a sec to see what messages I missed, and noticed one from my little-big girl…
My heart sank for two reasons. First, because I missed this special moment and second, this is really happening! I raced upstairs faster than I thought my body could move. She was on her Live session with her teacher. She saw me coming as she peeked out the corner of her eyes. I yelled, “Congratulations, Pooh Bear!” I got the grin, with the barely moving mouth since she was on camera, and the low-voiced “thank you!” Not quite the celebration I had always imagined, but these things just don’t happen like that. #WorkResentment
When her day was over, she met me in my office. I immediately gave her my undivided attention and asked her how she was feeling. She and I had a very good bonding moment. I asked her for a hug. She gave me the biggest hug and said, “I feel sooooooo sorry for you!” As my baby was only an hour plus into her period day, she was already empathetic to what I have gone through all of these years. Leave it to this anointed child of mine to feel for me during all that is going on new with her. #SheHasTheBiggestHeart #SheGetItFromHerMamma #ForReal
For the rest of the day, the minion got spoiled. She earned it. She has reached a milestone that’s a big deal. I am proud of the way she handled it and at how she took charge when she couldn’t get a hold of me. I might have given her the tools, but she embraced this next step like the responsible young lady she is! #YouGoGirl #. #AndNowThereAreTwo