October 26, 2020 – It’s Been a Minute

I just realized it has been some time since I have shared my world. Well, here goes…

Since the ER shenanigans, my mom has paroled to our house. One step closer to her own bed, but I need to get her house ready before that can happen. The girls have been in Nana heaven! It was one thing to FaceTime with Nana, but to see her and be able to help her in her recovery meant everything to my nurturing little girls. They take her for her walks (just around the dining room table), help her get to the bathroom, and happily get whatever she needs.

My mom could not do stairs at first, so we spent a week sleeping on the reclining couch. My patient, still a teenager, would try to make trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night on her own. I tell you…old people, I mean teenagers don’t listen!

It took a bit more time, but as of today, I am happy to report that my mom is getting around on her own. I was able to return to my bed at night and my worry meter has gone down, just a touch.

Oh…before I forget, her stitches got taken out on Friday too. We still don’t know what Arnold was, but it sounds like there may be some chemo and radiation in her future. It’s funny, a year ago, hearing the words chemo and radiation would have brought me to my knees. Today, the hardest part is over. Chemo and radiation are just maintenance and prevention! #Bring…It…ON!

October 15, 2020 – To the ER We Go

As much as I didn’t want to set foot back in the hospital, it was too risky not too. My mom’s pressure bottomed out last night. It was the lowest I have ever seen! We tried everything we could to get it to go back up, but nothing helped. We prayed that by this morning it would have normalized, but that did not happen. To the ER we go!

I was not particularly thrilled to be in an ER during COVID times. And as if that wasn’t enough, it was not the best experience. She was triaged quickly, but we had to sit in the waiting room for over an hour waiting on a bed. Did I mention GG decided to come too!?!? There I was, trying to keep two elder generations of woman safe from whatever walked through the ER doors. #IDidTheBestICould

To add to my already wonderful day, my mom was called back at the same time as another patient. Who does that? Then, we are told to wait off to the side while they take the other patient back for bloodwork first. Wait…let me get this straight, you call both of us back here, but we have to pull over in a wheelchair on the side of the hallway while you take blood? Then…THEN…the nurse tries to start an IV on my mom when I think he was not supposed to. He failed, but still…shouldn’t have even tried. At this point, I am regretting my decision to come to the ER.

More unpleasant things happened during the trip, and TRUST, the hospital was notified! But the end result was, nothing major was wrong. Post surgery, pressure will need to re-stabilize and her current medications for blood pressure will need to be halted until it does. #PraiseGod

We went home and my mom felt much better by the time she ate and returned to the comfort of GG’s house!

Now…time to quarantine! #IAintGotTime

October 12, 2020 – First Day Home

Yesterday, my mom came home! Praise God! And I guess I will call it like it is, she paroled home. She spent 4 days in an institution where she was placed on many restrictions, confined to her room, and receiving 3 hots and a cot. So, she was paroled. The time home was spent resting, watching Coming to America, and spending some time with my bro. It was a great day!

Today, the first morning home is being spent with my mom in her room snoozing, GG (my teenager) in her chair snoozing, and me in my room watching Girlfriends. Before this snooze-fest, though, I was graced with the greatest gift a caretaker could ask for. GG went to the Christmas container and pulled out a dog on bell for my mom. This bell will be used to summon THE HELP! Well, you know who that help is? ME! #AreWeForRealDoingThis? #GuessWeAre #Ring…Ring

It looks like this afternoon will be spent the same as this morning. Folks were fed, took a potty break, found a good show, and are snuggled up in their respective chairs. What I realize after all of this…I have not one, but TWO teenagers!

Oh, what will the GG Chronicles bring tomorrow…

October 10, 2020 – We Have a Teenager!

Nope, Thing 1 and Thing 2 are 10 and 7 respectively. BUT, I just gained custody of an 82 year old teenager! Yes…EIGHTY TWO!

Since the surgery is downtown, I have been staying with my grandmother. You may imagine an 82 year old that moves slowly and looks their age, but my grandmother…she is neither of those things. She looks great and moves around better than me some days. She is independent and rebellious, just like most teenagers.

So, this morning, my grandmother told me she will be making her round to the church pantry. Then, she will get some gas since it is cheap. She proceeded to say she needed to grab her money. I ask, “Forrrrrrr??” She needed money for gas. I inquired further…”So you go in? You don’t use a card?” Her, “NO!” Ummmm…That is not okay. We live in COVID times and you can’t be 82 and walking into some gas station paying for gas! Oh, the look I got! But I am who I am and I was unphased by the look! I told her, I won’t drive Big Bertha (that beast of a car in the garage), but I will get gas from the gas station to her car. She can let me worry about the how. Oh…there goes another look! #IWon #SheIsAlmostOnFull #SheNeedToQuit #Teenagers!

GG proceeded to the pantry. She made it out of the driveway without injuring my truck. I was going to move it to the street, but she insisted she had enough room. She shut my mouth. Ok, GG! I see you. I watched her leave and don’t you know this TEENAGER peeled off in her Big Bertha?!?! Ok, GG! I’m now watching you!

Because of my new teenager, I didn’t want to leave to the hospital without knowing she made it back home safely. So, I proceeded to keep myself busy until I heard the garage door go up. Once I heard that I was all good. Time to go see mom.

Mom is doing well. She does have a new black eye and it’s swollen. The doctor may have hit a muscle during surgery which is normal. She is also without a bandage. I guess they let it air out to encourage healing. OH, that’s another thing…back to this teenager. Don’t you know this teenager, while she said she is all set to care for my mom when she paroles home, is not able to clean and change the bandage on my mom’s head. I need to pause here for a moment…


ANYONE, and I do mean ANYONE, who knows me knows I don’t do bodily fluids of any kind. I can be there for you in every other way, except that. Now, I am staying allllll the way out here to help you help her and you tell me now that you can’t??? #Flatline #WhereCanIGetAHomeNurse

Now, back to my mom. She is in good spirits still. She is a bit more tired today, so I told her to nap if she needs to. I ain’t going nowhere. I am grateful for every day post-surgery that she feels good because I prefer that over pain.

God, continue to heal her like only you can. Thank you for delivering her back to us and for the strength you give my family to persevere! #Thankful #Grateful #Blessed

October 9, 2020 – The Day After


“Morning! God Is Good All the Time!…”

That was the text I got this morning. She then took a selfie of herself. I am pretty sure when you start taking selfies you don’t need to be in ICU. 😉

Well, the doctor reported that he got all of the tumor. #PraiseGod As of now, and I pray this does not change, it was benign. I doubt that will change, but I am going to hold my breath until the pathology results come back in a couple of weeks. Radiation is in order, though. This is to get any remaining cells that cannot be seen to ensure there isn’t any regrowth. #IllTakeIt

There is still a long road ahead, but I am overjoyed at where we are…where SHE is! I am truly thankful for the team of doctors and nurses who rallied around my mom to support her during this time. They are the angels that God sent to help get her to the finish line. #TeamRUMC

And said last, but is always my first, I am grateful to God for all of His grace and mercy. He saw a way when I thought there was none. He kept me going when I didn’t think I had it in me. He put people…no angels…in my life to support and motivate me. Because of these special people, I could be the rock my mom needed. #ThankYouJesus #ThankYouMyAngels #YallKnowWhoYouAre

October 8, 2020 – The Night Of

Tonight was better! I was able to see my mom on video with my brother. She was still groggy and out of it, but at least I could see her. It was a little scary still, seeing her in that way. After such a long day, though, seeing her put me in a better headspace.

Overnight is key. The first 24 hours post brain surgery are critical, hence the ICU. I wish I could stay with her overnight. COVID sure knows how to ruin a good thing! I know God has never left her side throughout this whole ordeal, so I am putting my full trust in Him. #HeIsAHealer #TrustAndNeverDoubt

Until tomorrow…

October 8, 2020 – The Afternoon Of

Hurdle 1 has been crossed!

Mom finally went into surgery at about 730a. I have never felt so much weight in my life…and I have picked up some quarantine poundage these last few months.

I tried to watch Girlfriend’s to take the edge off of waiting. It worked for a little while. It was hard to really focus on anything. I was, however, able to focus my eyes on GG. I’m pretty sure she got a hit of the same anesthesia my mom did.


After about 4 hours, mom’s surgery is complete. The doctor said that everything went as expected. It is definitely a tumor. The pathology results will take a couple of weeks, so we do not know exactly what kind and if it is benign or malignant. She is being moved to ICU as a precaution since brain surgery is kind of a big deal. She will be out for a while, so it will be uneventful for a little while longer. I was hoping for some social interaction to help pass the time, but GG is at it in the ICU too…


It’s going to be a long night in recovery. I will still be on pins and needles until I know she is up and talking. I pray that happens soon!

More to come…

October 8, 2020 – The Morning Of

Welp, I did not sleep much nor did I sleep very well, but that is to be expected. I left my mom after 8p last night. She was in good spirits and grateful the nurse let her eat going into her MRI. By the time I got home and she had her MRI, she was eating again! #SheWasGettingItInAsLongAsSheCould #EatingUntilMidnight

Now, it is close to 6a and I am anxiously awaiting my video chat from my brother to let me know they are about to take her down to surgery prep. Her surgery is scheduled for 715a. I have THE MOST anxiety at the moment. I ate my usual yogurt parfait for breakfast, but I am wondering if it will make its way back up. The jury is still out on that one!

As I type, my mother sent me a text message with her smiling face saying, “Ready for a Good Day!” Now how can you not be put in a better mood when the one going in has found her strength? Well, I will take a bite of her high and get myself in the right frame of mind.


Dear Lord,

I come to you with an anxious heart. Forgive me, for I know You have already provided the roadmap for the day which does not include my worry or anxiety. Heal my heart; make me whole.

Heavenly Father, be with my mom and the neurosurgery team. Give them clarity, peace, and steady hands as they remove Arnold from my mom. Let there be no complications and all favorable pathology results. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

Amen and #Amen

October 7, 2020 – The Day Before

Welp, yesterday was another emotional day! The anxiety is starting to build up for my mom and she was in need of some additional support to help her cope with the upcoming surgery. I am very proud of my mom! She recognized this need for herself and took action. She walked away feeling a little better and with some tools to help her should she feel all the feels again. Today and tomorrow will NOT be easy, but she has the strength that God gave her to power through and defeat this enemy we call Arnold. She just has to be reminded of that strength from time to time.

Today, I am preparing to leave. I will be staying closer to the hospital at my grandmother’s house. I will get to spend some quality time with both my mom and grandmother before we head to the hospital.

All of what is coming next will be hard! Being away from my hubby and girls, being a rock for my mom at a time when she needs it most, anxiously waiting for updates on my mom during her surgery tomorrow, and working through the post-surgery discussion about what Arnold was and what the next steps will be as a result. I am trying to get all of the cries out now. And trust, the tears are plentiful!

It’s weird…I feel like God already spoke to me and assured me my mom will be ok, but that hasn’t put me at ease quite yet. I know everything in the Bible tells me not to worry, but I simply cannot help it. I’ve tried! #LordForgiveMe #LordHearMyPrayer

I will end this post with my prayer for today:

Dear Lord,

Thank you for this day! Thank you for an opportunity to do it again and do it better! Lord, I come to you humble and afraid. I can’t fight the feelings of worry and fear. My family has been shaken by this tumor. My trust and faith in You and Your healing power has never waivered, though. I ask for your continued coverage for my family during this scary time. Lord, cover the neurosurgeon. Guide his hands during surgery tomorrow. Order his steps so that he can make the best possible decisions for my mother because it will be just him, her, and his team in there. Cover the surgical team that will support him and cover the nurses and staff that will support them. Let them be the light that my mother needs during her storm. Work through them so that she can see You and know Your presence is there. With COVID, I can only be so close and do so much. Fill in for me Lord. Let her seek You when she is in doubt and there is no one to turn to in that room. Heal her! Make her whole after this, even though something inside of her will be taken out. I know that what the enemy had prepared for evil You will turn to good. I believe…I trust…I pray! In the mighty name of Jesus!
